The intersection of Route 704 (Boyers Road) and Route 688 (Taylor Spring Lane) in Rockingham County will be converted to an all-way stop beginning the week of August 15-19. Route 704 northbound and southbound drivers currently have the right of way, and Route 688 eastbound and westbound drivers have a stop sign. After the conversion, stop signs will be in place for all motorists approaching the intersection.
The Virginia Department of Transportation advises caution when approaching the intersection as drivers become accustomed to the new traffic pattern. On the Route 704 approaches to the intersection, permanent “stop ahead” signs and rumble strips will be installed.
Digital message signs and traditional post-mounted signs warn Route 704 and Route 688 motorists of “New Traffic Pattern Ahead.” These signs will remain in place on a temporary basis after the all-way stop is in effect.
The VDOT Staunton District Traffic Engineering division analyzed the Route 704/688 intersection and recommended the all-way stop due to limited sight distance.
All work is weather permitting.
Virginia traffic alerts and traveler information are available by dialing 511 or visiting
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