Part of Route 989 (Valley Branch Road) in Rockingham County is scheduled to be closed Monday, April 11, to Friday, April 29, for replacement of the bridge over a tributary of Pleasant Run. The Virginia Department of Transportation will replace the bridge with a box culvert. During construction, Route 989 will be closed to through traffic between Route 988 (Scholars Road) and Route 846 (Western View Road).
Route 989 traffic will follow one of these posted detours:
· Drivers north of the work zone will follow Route 988 east, Route 681 (Whitesel Church Road) south and Route 846 west to the end of the detour.
· Drivers south of the work zone will follow Route 846 east, Route 681 (Whitesel Church Road) north and Route 988 west to the end of the detour.
All work is weather permitting.
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