Harrisonburg, VA – The 5th annual Great Community Give, scheduled for April 20, 2022 from 6:30am to 8:00pm, will close nonprofit registration on Friday, February 11. GCG organizers highly encourage eligible nonprofits to sign up by the deadline. Eligibility requirements include having IRS 501(c)(3) tax status and located in/serving Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. Nonprofit agencies can register at www.greatcommunitygive.org.
The Great Community Give, an initiative of The Community Foundation since April 18, 2018, is an annual sunrise to sunset event that promotes community wide giving in support of nonprofit agencies in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. Since its inception, GCG has raised $3,390,214 for community causes.
Over 100 nonprofit organizations are currently registered for the 5th annual giving day in April. “In 2021, 116 nonprofits participated in the $1,772,878 fundraiser that reached 7,111 community members. We do not want eligible nonprofit groups to miss Great Community Give 2022.” – Amanda Bomfim, Program Officer, The Community Foundation. For questions, reach out to Amanda Bomfim at amanda@tcfhr.org.
About The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County
TCFHR is a local nonprofit organization that seeks to understand individual, family, business and private foundation interests in order to establish funds to support their charitable goals. Additionally, TCFHR provides valuable services, resources, and educational opportunities for nonprofit organizations so that each enhances their capabilities as stewards of their missions for the benefit of our community.