From Harrisonburg City Facebook Page:
The latest effort from Harrisonburg Public Works to improve traffic flow throughout The Friendly City will go into effect Tuesday, February 1, as signal optimization changes come to a section of Reservoir Street.
Public Works has implemented a number of Traffic Signal Coordination and Optimization projects across the city in past months, improving timing and travel time on South Main Street, Port Republic Road, East Market Street and High Street. This project is focused on the stretch of Reservoir Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Stonewall Drive near the Stonewall Heights community.
“These types of projects are important ways for us to monitor and improve how traffic flows in our city, and to reduce potential delays,” Harrisonburg Director of Public Works Tom Hartman said. “We are constantly looking for ways to improve the experience of commuters and all who travel daily in Harrisonburg and make sure they get where they are going safely and quickly.”
Drivers on Reservoir Street should expect traffic signal timing changes starting tomorrow. Please use caution while driving through this corridor as drivers become accustom to the new traffic patterns. Harrisonburg Public Works crews will monitor traffic flow in the coming days and make improvements to the new traffic signal timing as needed.
To experience the full benefit of the new timing plans, drivers will need to travel at the posted speed limit in order to smoothly flow through the lights at peak times.
Photo: Getty Images