More SRO's Coming To Page County

Back in June 2022, Governor Glenn Youngkin announced more than $37 million dollars in Criminal Justice Grant Funding, including money for 86 School Resource Officer Positions across the state.

The Page County Sheriff's office announced this week that $150,018 would be received from these grants funding resource officers at Shenanoah and Luray Elementary schools

In an online post, Sheriff Chad Cubbage announced, In July of 2022, the Page County Sheriff’s Office partnered with the Page County Public Schools, submitted a proposal and grant application to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for the FY23 SRO/SSO Incentive Grant Program. This funding was made available for new SRO or SSO positions on a 4-year grant cycle, with this grant covering the first year of personnel costs for new positions, with follow-on continuing grant opportunities for funding positions over 4 years.

A total award amount of $150,018, for a period of 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023. This is a very important grant, and one that I have directed my staff to work diligently toward obtaining. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Page County Public Schools, Dr. Antonia Fox, and other stakeholders in our community.

This grant funding will allow an SRO to be placed at Shenandoah Elementary School and Luray Elementary School. I am excited that we can provide this service to our community in an effort to keep our schools secure, and our children and staff safe.

Photo: Getty Images

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