Red Cross Blood Drive March 22

American Red Cross Blood Drive - March 22nd from 12-6 at the Double Tree Hotel in Harrisonburg.

  • All donors will have access to free food from Chick-fil-a on the day of the drive and coupons to our local Mcdonalds and Dairy Queen.
  • All donors will receive a free t-shirt (while supplies last)
  • Appointments are required! Click HERE (Sponsorcode Radio)
  • Anyone who is 17 and older and feels well the day of the drive can donate blood.

As the world commemorates the one-year milestone of the pandemic, the American Red Cross also marks a year of tremendous generosity during which millions of volunteers have rolled up a sleeve to help patients in need. Blood donations remain essential to the health of communities, and the Red Cross is grateful for the ongoing support of blood donors and blood drive hosts.

·A year ago, many things in the world paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the need

·for blood never stopped.

·For patients in the emergency room, fighting cancer or facing a life-threatening illness, help

·can’t wait. Blood donation is essential.

·In thanks for being a vital part of the Red Cross mission, all who come to give blood, platelets or

plasma March 15-26 will receive an exclusive T-shirt, while supplies last.

The Red Cross especially needs type O blood donors. Having enough type O blood on the

shelves is important for ongoing patient care and emergencies.

·Type O blood is the most needed blood group by hospitals but is often in short supply.

·Type O positive is the most transfused blood type and can be transfused to Rh-positive patients

·of any blood type.

·Type O negative is the universal blood type and what emergency room personnel reach for when

·there is no time to determine the blood type of patients in the most serious situations.


The American Red Cross is testing blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies

to help provide our valued donors insight into whether they may have been exposed to this

coronavirus during this ongoing pandemic.

Appointments are required! Click HERE (Sponsorcode Radio) (

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