City of Staunton Declares Local Emergency Due To Storm Damage

Leslie Beauregard, Interim City Manager, has issued a declaration of local emergency due to the damage caused by the July 6 storm. The declaration’s primary purpose is to render the City eligible for reimbursement for expenses incurred in its response and to provide greater flexibility in the City’s business practices during the response. 

Read the declaration.

For up-to-date information visit the City’s website or follow the City of Staunton on Facebook.


  • Both Gypsy Hill Park and Montgomery Hall Park are currently open, though cleanup work continues. The golf course is closed until further notice. Call Parks & Recreation at 540.332.3945 for questions regarding park activities.
  • Citizens are reminded that storm cleanup for residents will begin Monday, July 18 and all items must be at the curb by 7 a.m. that Monday morning. Crews will only pass through each neighborhood once and staff asks for citizens’ continued patience, as cleanup will take time.
transformer on a pole and a tree laying across power lines over a road after Hurricane moved across

Photo: Getty Images

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